Hindi (हिंदी) Dictation & Speech Recognition Software
Braina Pro Speech Recognition Software allows you to dictate in Hindi language. This means you can speak Hindi into microphone and the spoken Hindi words will automatically get converted to Hindi text (Devnagari script). In other words, what you speak will be show up on the computer screen in Hindi font. You can easily dictate into any third party software like Microsoft Word, Notepad etc. or website using Braina Pro software. It is the most accurate Hindi voice recognition software available in market. Apart from Hindi, you can also dictate in English and 90 other international languages.
Braina Pro speech recognition software for Windows PC can be very helpful for personal, commercial, and government use. This Hindi transcription technology can be customized to enable the Hindi speaking people of India to interact with kiosks and computers. It is simpler and it can be used by the large number of Indians who are semi-literate or not familiar with a computer keyboard.
Apart from Hindi, Braina also supports other Indian languages such as Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam , Gujarati, Punjabi , Marathi , Bengali , Nepali , Urdu etc. and other languages like English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Italian etc.
Not only dictation but Braina Pro allows you to create custom voice commands in Hindi so that you can voice control your computer by speaking Hindi language. For example, you can give command in Hindi to open a website, program, file/folder. Moreover, Braina Pro also allows you to translate English language into Hindi.

Braina Pro एक बेहतरीन हिंदी डिक्टेशन सॉफ्टवेयर होने के अलावा एक पर्सनल असिस्टेंट सॉफ्टवेयर भी है। अब हिंदी में बोल कर टाइप करना आसान हो गया है। इसमें जो शब्दकोश है उसमे रोजमर्रा के इस्तेमाल के शब्दों का भंडार है। Braina सॉफ्टवेयर 180 देश में यूज किया जाता है। आप अंग्रेजी से हिंदी में अनुवाद भी कर सकते है। आप हिंदी के अलावा 90 और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भाषाओं में डिक्टेशन कर सकते है।
सॉफ्टवेयर के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमारा संपर्क करे।
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